
I miss Crookers

I miss Bubblegum Records

I miss Egypt '09

I miss arguing about whether it's called cheese on toast or toasted cheese (it's the first one...)

I miss Pippa

I miss your skinny jeans and huge trainers

I miss you offering me chocolate bourbons all the time, even though I always said no and you probably didn't realise I don't actually like them...

I miss quoting lines from Frontier Psychiatrist

I miss daytime Scrubs and the rushed lunch hour between Friars and ACS

I miss your weird one-armed air punch dancing

I miss your longer hair

I miss watching you stir ketchup into your mash and thinking, I'm gonna vom...

I miss you only making me half a cup of tea because you knew I'd never finish a whole one

I miss your Spyro nose

I miss your family

I miss going to Asda, buying £20 worth of sweets and spending all afternoon eating it all

I miss getting thrown off buses with you

I miss being open to your suggestions about new music

I miss your horrible disgusting mask

I miss the first ever Ramadance at the pub

I miss having to sleep in the spare room for the first 3 months

I miss your old big green Parka

I miss your Friday night DJ sets

I miss trying to persuade you to just wear my dressing gown to and from the bathroom

I miss dragging you round Sooooperdruuug!!

I just miss you.

A lot.


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