Chinese Whispers
He said, that you said, she was lying, but she didn't really mean it, but then she said to me something completely different. She said, that you said he'd said I was a liar. Then I said, why bother lying, when I know you're a liar and she lied and said I never said that. I got a completely different story, she said something about you that didn't add up now she's annoyed that I've told you what she said and what she heard from him, that apparently I told him but I never. No no, that was it, she said you were making the whole thing up because you're two faced and apparently that's not what you told her, and she said she told you what really happened and you said you wouldn't tell anyone and now everyone knows. Oh no hold on, I never said anything to her, she's just saying that to get back at me.... I NEVER SAID ANYTHING OF THE SORT... IT'S ALL COME FROM HIM, HE'S JUST SAYING THAT TO GET YOU ON HIS SIDE BECAUSE HE HATES ME, AND IT'S ALL A GAME TO MAKE HER THINK WE'VE SAID THINGS WE HAVEN'T AND NO ONE BELIEVES HER ANYWAY BECAUSE SHE'S TWO FACED, I MEAN YOU'RE TWO FACED, NO NO HOLD ON I REMEMBER WHAT I SAID NOW, ANYWAY SHE UPDATED HER STATUS AND IT'S OBVIOUSLY ABOUT ME AND YOU, OR JUST YOU, BECAUSE YOU'VE ANNOYED HER BY WHAT YOU SAID TO ME WHICH I TOLD HER CAUSE SHE HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW, CAUSE I'M HER BEST MATE, THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID, I KNOW SHE SAID IT TO YOU AS WELL BUT SHE WAS LYING ABOUT THAT TO MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER BECAUSE SHE'S A LYING LITTLE BITCH, I MEAN I LOVE HER DEARLY BUT MY GOD SHE'S A PAIN IN THE ARSE, NOT AS BAD AS HIM THOUGH I CAN'T BLOODY STAND HIM, EXCEPT WHEN HE'S ALRIGHT, THEN HE'S ALRIGHT.
Why don't we all just get over it and have a nice cup of tea.
Why don't we all just get over it and have a nice cup of tea.
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