Odds and sods//Miscellany//The stuff you might have missed

Most people have an obsession of some kind. It might be of a celebrity, or a hideous brand of cheap stuffed toy or something. Or food.

I am obsessed with roses. Pink ones mainly, but they're all lovely. Whilst writing this, I am wearing a headband with roses on, underwear with roses on, earrings with roses on, a ring with a rose on. I have Dove Wild Rose deodrant on, as well as Paul Smith's Rose perfume. I was also thinking about getting another tattoo of a rose chain around my ankle; I already have a rose fairy on my back. I have a string of rose fairy lights around my bedframe. My... name is Rosie.

Still better that than say, the drummer from Coldplay. Or Tito Jackson.

I'm beginning to hate going out. I'm not sure if it's the people or the drugs or the music or the fact that I'm apparently 50 years old. But whatever it is, I feel awkward and out of place.

Just to go into a bit more detail here...

I am always awkward. I stand awkward and wear awkward fitting clothes. When I meet new people I never know what to say, end up laughing at things that aren't funny and being deadpan at things that are. I'm also extremely clumsy and have the grace, poise and style of an elephant running for a bus. And the elephant was holding a bag, dropped the bag and everything went flying out of it, including sanitary towels. And everyone saw. That's what I'm like.

Sometimes I write things on people's status's or photos on facebook, things that I think are funny or witty, and mostly everyone ignores me or replies 'what the hell?'

My new favourite tea = lavender, oat and lime.

Since Christmas I own approximately 40 pairs of shoes and still only wear about 3 pairs.

9 out of 10 times I will have chest pain or tummy ache. Right now it's chest pain. I don't know what brings it on but I can normally get rid of it with the tartan sack.

I blow up easily, but calm down easily. After a bit. And once I've eaten.


  1. you are not alone in your clumsiness, sweet girl:
    {always tripping over, walking into things}

    I am surprised you are not drinking Twinings Rose Tea!
    it's summer in a cup ^_*


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